eyebrow pulling




The vicious cycle of eyelash pulling and eyelash regrowth can be devastating and can risk eye health.  There is no need to go through this alone.  We’re dedicated to giving you the attention and care you deserve.  Drop us a line below and (unless you ask us not to) we’ll get in touch now and again purely to ask how you’re doing.  

Eyelash and Eyebrow Pulling

“How can I stop pulling my eyelashes out?” Tanya asks. “I’m tired of reading pages of information about Trichotillomania, I just want a simple solution.”

MP3 download specifically aimed at helping you become eyelash and eyebrow pull free, or help for a child here.

Eyelash and eyebrow pulling is much more common than people expect. Initially it was thought that Trichotillomania affected mainly scalp pullers, but our research of over 33,000 tricsters has shown that eyelash pulling is the most prevalent.

73% of tricsters pull from their eyelashes, 72% from eyebrows and 27% from scalp. One reason these figures are so much higher is because many scalp pullers also pull from their lashes and brows, but there are many lash and brow pullers who don’t pull from their scalp.

Quick tips for eyelash and eyebrow pullers:

1. Stay away from mirrors as much as possible. Try to avoid eye contact with yourself in the mirror.

2. Practice some form of relaxation or meditation.

3. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, alcohol (as much as possible!) and sugar.

4. Spread Vaseline or olive oil very thinly on your eyelashes and brows in the morning and after lunch. This has the added attraction of reflecting the light from your face and is in fact a make-up trick used by the stars!

Our article on how to stop over plucking your eyebrows is here.

Read lash & brow puller experiences, more about make-up & cover-up, tips to prevent pulling from the eye area.

We also sell mp3 hypnotherapy downloads and our fiddle aid jewellery come with instructions on how to use them to retrain your urges.

Relax & listen to this soothing MP3 by someone who was able to stop eyelash pulling herself. 


Get In touch

+44 7910 114729

available from 11:00 – 17:00 GMT

Spada House, 20 Regent Close, London N12