self help for BFRBs

Trichotillomania Support are a small non-profit, consisting of four people who love helping others to stop hair pulling, skin-picking and BFRBs. Here are a number of suggestions you can use for yourself. If you need us, just give us a call on the number on the footer.

Let’s start with a number of tips to help you – these are over 100 ideas suggested by others just like yourself. We also have some tips to stop pulling eyelashes and eyebrows.


Read everything you can about BFRBs and diet, because it can make a massive difference.


Lots of people ask us about vitamins and health supplementshomeopathic remedies, aromatherapy and relaxation recordings. Not everyone will want coaching or feel able to talk on video chat about their trichotillomania.  This page has lots of links to ways you can help yourself, many of them free.  

Tips and eye tips, skin care. 


Enjoy our articles and experiences and remember we’re here for the whole family, for life.

Updated 13 December 2020, review 13 December 2021