Hypnotherapy To Heal Trichotillomania During Pregnancy

We are pleased to introduce our hypnotherapeutic recording, designed to help relax mother and baby, and to encourage pull freedom for mum during pregnancy. The recording lasts just over forty minutes and maybe played during sleep or waking time.

Many people think that hair pulling is associated with stress and that at a happy time like pregnancy, people wouldn’t pull. While some people do get a reprieve from hormone-linked urges, others find it harder to resist the automatic pulling, possibly due to increased tiredness.

At Trichotillomania Support, we believe that ANYONE can become pull free, and everyone has a duty to try to be the best they can be for their children. We also believe that being the best you can be requires being pull free.

This recording was written and created to help you use this time of growth in your life to get the best from your hair growth and put your pulling firmly behind you as you move forward to this new era of your life. A child is not the only one to be born; a mother is being born too.

Buy ‘Stop Scalp Pulling During Pregnancy’

About the author: Neomie is a qualified hypnotherapist and Doctor of Metaphysics, who has been practising for almost thirty years and used to be a hair puller herself. Eleven years pull-free have enabled her to see how much better life can be, and so she has recorded this to help you achieve YOUR pull free goal. Neomie has helped over 300 people become pull free in just the last few years. You can do it too! Other recordings by Neomie.